Monday, September 3, 2007

Labor Day Activities

Picture from wedsite

Well, dear Hubby and I stayed busy, but not too busy. I've been really tired since starting back to school. We went to the Blue Berry Festival in Plymouth IN, on Saturday. It is a really large festival with sporting events, tracker pulls, concerts, tons of arts and crafts and gobs of food. We go for the food and crafts. Jr. went with us, so we hit the midway too and he rode a few rides. It was a good time, but warmer than I would have liked. I saw a really cool product related to the scrapbook. All your work is done on line and then you can have the company, called Heritage Makers make a bound book out of your pages. I haven't investigated it too much, but wanted to share the link. There's also a consultant opportunity... Looks kinda interesting.
Heritage Makers, check them out. Let me know what you think and if you worked with them.
Sunday we slept in and boated. It was a beautiful day.
Monday I started to "put the garden to bed". Learned that term last year. IE, I pulled and cut back dead flowers. It looks so much better. We've had a lot of rain so the plants got a little out of control and some were just done.
I hope you all had a good and restful weekend. Four days and the weekend. Yeh!


Kim Campbell said...

Imagine that! We were in Rochester Indiana!

couragetocreatewriteandlove said...

I am wishing for rain. It's too hot here! LOL
Glad you were busy and having fun

Carole Burant said...

Sounds like a wonderful weekend and I would have enjoyed that BlueBerry Festival:-) I had a pretty lazy weekend too, just went thrift shopping on Saturday. Yesterday I also spent time cutting back dead flowers, etc...I hate seeing all the summer flowers ending but it's that time of year!! I've never heard of that scrapbooking place, will check out the link:-) xox