I've written about cleaning and painting the
laundry room for some time. It's also a large storage area for us. We moved into our small ranch three years ago with two house
holds of item and many treasures that I inherited from my grandparents. I had a very trying ten years. To say the least, my 30s were not the easiest. Some great things happend, my husband, reunited with my mother, my dogs, and my current teaching position. But along with that there was a lot of sarrow and pain. Consequently, I had a very difficult time making a home. On the surface it was decorated well enough, but behind the scenes, my emotions and my home were in diarray. I've know for three years, that things needed to change, but it took a lot of energy to do it. This summer was the time for me. I had read a really good book about clutter and the stress it can cause... I was living proof. I hated doing laudry, but never had a pretty place to do it, that's now much improved. I love creating and crafts, but my craft room looked like a rumage sale. I would make small gains and then quit. I can now say with great pride that things are in much more control. Things have a place and a place for the things. It's such a good feeling. Pictures to come...We had the carpets shampooed Sat. in the family room, so I have some finishing touches to complete. I hightly recommend this book: It was a great source of insight and help to me.
Clear the Clutter with Feng Shui by Karen Kingston

Karen Kingston also has a web site that appears to be really helpful. Please check it out and tell me what you think.
http://spaceclearing.com/html/books/books/clear-your-clutter-with-feng-shui.htmlPlease note: I do not follow Feng Shui, and this book was still very meaningful! It's an easy quick read.
I read that book a while ago - it was very good I thought. My husband is very into feng shui - I think we have every feng shui book ever written! Good for you that you tackling such a difficult project!
I am happy to hear of all of your improvements in your place and in yourself. I checked the website already. I may get the book.
I'm not into feng shui either but you now have me curious about the book:-) I'm so glad to hear that you're finally getting everything under control...it's so true that clutter causes stress and we certainly don't need more of that in our lives! Can't wait to see pictures:-) xox
I need that book...I keep way too much stuff. Glad you are getting things accomplished. I must try harder.
Hi Trudi!
This was my year for organizing too.
I have always had trouble with letting things go. (I might NEED them someday!)LOL
But I realized so much stuff in such a small space was causing me huge amounts of stress.
I hope your organizing project brings you peace and calm.
Kimberly :)
ps. I don't use patterns for my totes, they just sort of take on a life of their own. :)
I'm so glad to hear that things are falling into place for you, Trudi! All your hard work has payed off!
UH! I'm there with you! We have practically gutted my sewing/craft room and are having built-in cabinets put in. Meanwhile, all the "stuff" from in there is now scattered all over the house. In the long run it will be great, but right now, huge stress. Glad you are getting on the right track. Looking forward to those picture!
I'm happy to hear that things are looking up for you. Our laundry room is tiny and is right off our kitchen so my laundry always seems to spill out into the kitchen/keeping room area, which drives me nuts. With three kids, working full-time, etc. I'm always in more of a disarray that I'd like. Thanks for sharing!
Trudi, I am your new swap partner! It is so interesting this post. I had a lot of similar problems with organization and clutter holding me back. I read a book called Move Your Stuff and Change Your Life and then I also read the book you mention in your post. I found it extreemly comforting. I still enjoy a limited practice of Feng Sui. Anyway, I am also a teacher. I am looking forward to reading some more of your blog!
I'm glad that you're feeling better now about things and that things are falling into place for you. thanks for the lovely comments.
Boy can I relate! My smallhouse is very orderly and neat, however in the cellar is my craft bench. It's "L" shaped and just piled with "stuff". I really have to get to that before I start back to school! I'm glad to hear you are in a better feng shui frame of mind!
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