It's still not totally fixed but coming along.
No email, no blogging, no researching. It been hard. Hard I'm telling you HARD. LOL.
I thought I'd share some of the things the bride and I made for her wedding. It was several weeks ago and was so nice. She sent me the nicest card today. *smile*
Her wedding was pink and brown. It turned out really pretty. We made everything I'm going to share. I hope you enjoy.
This was a mason jar with tissue paper and modge podge. Very easy. They were the center pieces.

A fan banner made of crete paper. Yikes this was not fun to make. If I make one again; NO Crete paper. It says..."True Love"
This was a really fun wedding to be a part of. The bride and I became very close and we also work together. Bye for now. Dear hubby's birthday.
This was a really fun wedding to be a part of. The bride and I became very close and we also work together. Bye for now. Dear hubby's birthday.
Happy Birthday to your hubby:-) Oh look at all the gorgeous things you and the bride made for her wedding...what a great idea to mod podge mason jars!! Oh dear, no fun when you get a computer virus...I'd go crazy not being able to use my computer! lol Hopefully you get it all cleared up soon!! xox
Guess what was my favorite? the banner, you have to share with us or better said how did you make it exactly, pleaseeeee LOL
By the way, you just got an award for being so nice!!!
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