Saturday, July 7, 2007

My Blogging Thoughts

Well I'm at my 71st post and I'm feeling a little sad... I've had quite a few visitors and some really great people make comments. I mean really great people. I've tried to include your link on my sidebar, and if I haven't let me know. Here's the root of my sadness. I try to visit blogs and make comments. Most are quite simple, usually with spelling typos because I am in a rush. However I make the effort. I know summer time is a slower time for blogging, but I just want to hear from you, PLEASE. Blogging should be fun for everyone, and I've made a lot of comments on a few blogs, great blogs, my favorites, and I've never heard from them on mine. I may have a different twist then some of those blogs, but we can't all be the same, or it would get boring. Correct? Wow, I'm having a pitty party, but this has been such a motivational tool for me to get things done, be more greative and reach out. I just want more...doesn't everyone at some time? Maybe more validation, I don't know. Yikes, so sorry but had to write this. (I need to stop comparing my comment count to other's, right? So what if they have 20-30 per post... I've made some great blogging friends.) All my best, Trudi

Just being real.


Midwest Bicycle Company said...

I rarely get any comments on my blog. I agree that it can be a bit disheartening... like maybe you're writing these blogs, but no one is reading.

However, I look at my current level of busyness, then look at that of others, and I honestly don't know how they even have time to write blogs, let alone comment on others. I have a wife and a 13 year old step son. Jordan isn't involved in any activities really, so I don't have to run him around everywhere. My life at the moment is actually pretty relaxed and free - being unemployed and all.... lol

I think it's more a reflection of people doing more than they really can or should than it is something related to your blog. This is the "Must Keep Moving! Progressing! Improving!" culture, after all.

Crafty Mama said...

Hi Trudy!
In the beginning I always gave a comment on the blogs I read but after a while I stopped doing that. There are a couple of blogs I visit on a regular basis and leave a comment. The others I only visit for a shot of eye candy!
Have a nice weekend!

Sandy and Michael said...

Sometimes I feel like a blog-stalke if I leave too many comments, so maybe I'm not the only one :)

Heather said...

I do think that a lot of people are in and out more in the summer, but I know how you feel. I have stopped looking at some blogs because they make me feel like I am in junior high school and not in the "In" crowd. There are a lot of great ones out there with fantastic people on the other side of the computer though.

My advice, not that you asked, but keep doing what you are doing - leaving comments and writing great posts.

I do appreciate the sweet comment you left on my blog - I am not always the fastest to reply, but I get there eventually.

Have a great weekend.


ancient one said...

Hi Trudy, don't get discouraged! Some of us ancient ones move a little slower...ha! Really, I'm still on dial-up out here in the sticks, and sometimes I can only get to a few on my list each day... I don't always comment, but I do like to read. ~ann

LBP said...

I feel guilty :( I read your blog almost everyday and don't always leave comments. I don't want anyone to feel like I'm stalking them. You have a great blog!

BTW, LOVE the chairs.

oliveoyl64 said...

We all need to feel blog love sometimes. I lurk mostly b/c I don't want to feel like a stalker, as another poster mentioned.

I post pretty infrequently on my blog and only post when I feel I have something significant to say. Some people post every minute detail and that just isn't my style.

I like your blog and enjoy my visits.

Betty Jo said...

I felt sad in the beginning when I didn't receive many comments, but I don't any longer. I'm really blogging for me anyways. My blog is like a journal where I can collect my thoughts, my interests, somewhat like a cyber scrapbook. Life has it ups and downs, sometimes we have lots of time to comment on other blogs, sometimes we don't. I've decided, for my own peace of mind, to simply go with the flow. xoxo

couragetocreatewriteandlove said...

I am sorry to hear this...
The holiday came and I didn't visit you often and I don't want you to feel bad at all!
You are in my thoughts for sure!
Please if you don't see my comments, I promise I will catch up!
Can you smile for us Today? Please?
I hope your day is going better!
I decoupage alot but I never done it on a plate, I have to try that one.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and please count on me!

Jill said...

I'm one of your newer readers. I love to leave comments and I usually do so every time I visit. They are short but sweet :o)
Honestly, I felt a little like you when I first started blogging. I went for MONTHS with virtually no comments. But, you've got it right.. the more you comment on other blogs, the more comments you get. Time is a great help in that respect.

Trudi said...

I want to thank all of you for your encouragement! I'm more of a newbe to this and just want it to be a positive for myself and others. I shouldn't compare myself to others, it's a weakness.
Thank you so much. *smile*

Carol D said...

I just found your blog today so I am leaving you a note to let you know! I look at quite a few blogs everyday, but only leave a comment if it sparks something I relate too. I have even apologized for leaving comments (only 5) because I didn't want anyone to think I don't have anything better to do! Actually, blogging is addictive and I can spend so much time reading them that I don't get anything else done! Take heart, you really aren't out there alone!

Melissa said...

Hey Trudi! I don't get that many comments on my blog and it's usually the same people who comment and that's ok. I do my blog as sort of a diary about what's going on in my artistic life. It's just as much for me as it is for the enjoyment of others. Think of your blog as a Zen experience, keeping you in touch with creative self. KEEP BLOGGING! Don't give up! I for one enjoy visiting your blog and seeing what my boating buddy is up to!